Island Roundtable

Scope & Decision-making

Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy

Geographic Scope:
IR, Independence & Scope
The IRTEE shall consider issues affecting the area defined by Vancouver Island and the surrounding coast. The IRTEE recognizes that some communities and issues span the boundaries of Vancouver Island and the surrounding coast and smaller Islands, and that other adjacent regions may be involved on a case by case basis.


Reporting Relationships and Corporate Status:

The Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy is an independent body that remains at arms length from all levels of government. The legal status of the IRTEE is determined under the Societies Act.

The IRTEE will make recommendations to the appropriate decision-making body and to the community at large. The IRTEE shall seek to be included as part of the referrals process at the federal, provincial and local levels where appropriate.

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