Island Roundtable

Membership & Nominating Process

Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy

IRTEE Membership: 

The Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy shall be comprised of a range of persons residing on Vancouver Island and the surrounding coast who are able to represent the diverse interests of individuals, sectors and communities of the area.IR, Membership

General criteria for membership will be based on the premise that members shall:

• reside, work, or have interest in Vancouver Island and the surrounding coast.
• have a commitment to the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development and stewardship;
• have a demonstrated record of community and public involvement;
• be committed to consensus-based decision-making;
• be willing to look beyond the interests of a specific interest group;
• have a broad knowledge of Vancouver Island and the surrounding coast:
• be willing to commit up to three days per month, or as necessary, on a voluntary basis for a full term of appointment

As the success of the IRTEE will depend on the development of trust and understanding and the building of consensus, alternates are discouraged – although guests will be welcome.


Nomination Procedures

Appointment of Initial Membership:
Initial appointments to the IRTEE shall be made by a Nominations Sub-committee of the steering committee. As available the Nominations Sub-committee shall include…

Steering Committee membership:IR, Horse Loggers
• one representative from the B.C. or National Round Table;
• one or two additional members (at the discretion and invitation of the selection committee)

The Selection Committee shall:
1. Establish a set of criteria to be used in membership identification
2. Establish a process for membership identification
3. Identify potential members

The overall objective of the Nominating Sub-Committee shall be to appoint a set of members which:

• reflects a diversity of background, experience, perspective, and interest;
• is representative of the various interests of the area but is not made up of representatives for any single interest (all IRTEE members will be expected to participate as individuals);
• maintains a good balance of interests as well as representation from all geographic areas, within the Sub Region, both rural and urban;
• is representative of the board interests of Vancouver Island and the surrounding coast, including social, cultural, economic and environmental matters.

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