Island Roundtable

Mandate/ Mission Statement

Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy

Mandate/ Mission Statement IR, mission

The Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy serves as an advisory body – a resource to the communities, governments and organizations of Vancouver Island – focusing on policy, programs, plans and initiatives that affect the sustainability and stewardship of the Island and surrounding coast.

The IRTEE provides a community perspective on planning for sustainability through a forum which assists stakeholders to meet their objectives while respecting the interests of others, and protecting the integrity and stewardship of the natural environment.

The formal mission of the Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy is as follows:

• The Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy is a community – based advisory body which promotes environmental, social and economic sustainability and stewardship.

• The work of the IRTEE is guided by the principles of sustainability, sustainable development and stewardship as set out by the B.C. Round Table of the Environment and the Economy (1994), and the principles set out in the Commission on Resources and Environment’s Land Use Charter.

• The mandate of the Island Round Table on the Environment and Economy may evolve over time.

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