Island Roundtable


The Island Roundtable on the Environment and Economy…

We live in exciting times here on Vancouver Island. With a residential population of three-quarter million, and more on the way; and new Island businesses springing up like daffodils. Canadians are looking to the coast for work, recreation, beauty and a quality of life that’s hard to beat. In the years to come Island residents can expect to make many important decisions about how this Island will grow.
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Rather than shy away from the inevitable issues of ‘our common future’ we are looking at the Roundtable as an Island-wide forum that will assess Island needs, find innovative approaches, and spark co-operative and cross-sectoral plans for sustainable development. Economic, environment, cultural and social considerations and challenges will all be on the table.

The Island Roundtable on the Environment and Economy launched on the 25th anniversary of the National Roundtable’s formation. We’re learning from their hard work, and taking from the best practices advanced by local BC Round Tables on the Environment and Economy in the mid-90’s. And we’re actively looking for academics, politicians, business leaders, organizations and residents who will share their knowledge and experience …and work with us for the good of the Island, and all Islanders near and far.


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